The ARJUNA Program at SelaQui International School, located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, is aimed at producing top ranking sports person especially in Tennis and Cricket. It is an integrated program where a child attends classes (CBSE) during academic hours and then uses his/her 5 hours in the mornings as well as in the evenings to hone his/her skills in the sports of his/her choice. The School provides top in-house coaching facilities and we have eminent coaches and sportsperson in our team. It also provides fitness training, special diet as well as opportunities to play at various district and state tournaments. So, a child does not miss on academics at the same time and has access to 5 hours of training with his/her coach.
The students are housed in all-weather Air-conditioned accommodation that is located at walking distance from the dining area and academics block. The School provides a fully equipped gym as well as infirmary with resident doctor physiotherapist and a swimming pool to aid the sportsmen. With 5 all-weather turf courts for tennis, five cricket nets and one cricket ground as well as two soccer fields ARJUNA Program is poised to be the first and only opportunity with the best of sports is blended with the best in academics.
ARJUNA program accepts students in classes 6th, 7th, 8th, 9 and 11th for either Tennis or Cricket. The fee for the above program is only 4.90 lakhs per annum for 6th - 8th and 5.30 lakhs for 9 - 11th. 3.40 lakhs( 6 - 8) and 3.80 lakhs (9 - 11) being normal tuition fee and remaining fee for specialized coaching, Medical support, special diet as well as for entry fee for various tournaments. However, the cost of travelling and stay in various cities has to be borne by the students. Limited scholarships are available to students of exceptional merit in Cricket or Tennis.
Salient Features of ARJUNA Program are as follows:
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