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Boarding School vs Day School in India

Boarding School vs Day School in India

BY ADMIN PUBLISHED January 5, 2014, UPDATED May 3, 2024

Boarding and day schools offer distinct educational experiences to students, each befitting the requirements in its way. Boarding schools on the one hand provide a residential environment to the students along with academic excellence, safety, facilities, independence, and extracurricular resources, fostering a sense of community in them. While day schools allow students to commute from home, teaching them the balance between academic rigour and family life. Both educational setups offer distinct learnings to the students and help develop the overall personalities of the students. Ultimately, the choice between boarding and day school depends on individual preferences, family dynamics, and educational goals.     

When comparing boarding schools with day schools, you should consider the aspects tabulated below. 


Boarding School

Day School

Living Arrangement

Boarding setups require students to live on the campus 24/7. It promotes a close-knit community. 

Students get to live with their parents after school hours, maintaining family bonds.


In residential schools, students need to follow a strict daily schedule that highlights responsibility and discipline. 

Students can follow a more flexible routine when they are enrolled in a day school. 


When in a boarding school, they are constantly under the supervision of wardens and other authorities.

Day schools have limited supervision for students during school hours.


Students can be a part of diverse co-curricular activities during and after school hours. 

It may involve various co-scholastic activities during school hours but does not encourage many after-school events. 


In boarding schools, students need to engage in completing their own chores, thus learning to manage time and things faster.

Children attending day school usually are more dependent on family support to complete their regular chores. 


The boarding school students attain a high level of discipline. 

Learning ways to have a disciplined life depended on both school and home environment.

Associated Cost

The costs associated with boarding schools are higher than day schools as they include expenses related to accommodations, food, and other facilities. 

Lower associated expenses as it excludes accommodation and meal charges. 

Benefits of Boarding Schools over Day Schools

Boarding schools have limited number of children in each class room as opposed to day schools. This enables teachers to be able to concentrate on each individual student and any student who is lagging behind can be given the appropriate guidance. Moreover, students can also interact with the teachers and approaching them is easy as they are available on campus throughout the day.


The foremost function that is performed by a boarding school is providing discipline and a sense of punctuality. Generally, children who are naughty and disobedient are sent to boarding schools to change their attitude and instill a sense of discipline. Boarding schools function on strict timetables and children are required to be punctual for all classes including academic and extracurricular ones.

Sports and Extracurricular

Most boarding schools have excellent infrastructure for sports and all students are encouraged to take part in at least one outdoor sport. This serves to provide confidence among children and also to help them be physical fit. Students who take part in inter school tournaments can interact with students from other schools and this fosters a sense of friendship.

Apart from sports students are also required to take part in extracurricular activities that are designed to build team spirit and help in intellectual development. This is an important aspect of a boarding school and many day schools neglect this aspect of education.

Family Problems

Boarding schools are ideal for families that are separate or if parents are constantly traveling. Many parents today are continually on the move from one place to another and they have no time for their children. In such a scenario boarding schools are the best option for children.

Fewer Distractions

Boarding schools offer fewer distractions to the children as they are kept well away from the life of the urban areas. Boarding schools are generally situated outside the city or in a remote place and students do not have the opportunity to involve themselves in any harmful activities or habits. Due to fewer distractions children will be able to concentrate more on studies and other activities.

Summer Programs

Boarding schools offer summer programs for students and some of these are open to students from other schools as well. Students are allowed to interact with others. Summer programs include rigorous physical training programs and others such as fine arts and computer skills.

All we can say that if you are concerned about career of your child there could be nothing more worthy than Boarding School. This is something that every parent should consider off in case they want a true preparatory course for their children.

Attain a sense of responsibility

When you choose a boarding school for your kid, they learn to live without parental guidance all around the corner. This makes them gain the idea of responsibility that helps them work on themselves to be independent. From studying to engaging in essential activities with their fellow students, the environment makes them self-sufficient and helps them gain maturity faster. 

Students can focus better on their studies

The boarding schools, like SelaQui International, have spacious classrooms and large campuses. Plus, they have a lower student-to-teacher ratio. Such an environment is ideal for exploration that seeds various ideas in the young minds, enabling them to explore. With a lower student-teacher ratio, the students get the valuable scope to interact with their teachers and have a better bonding, ensuring increased focus on different areas of study. 

Holistic development

Students enrolled in boarding schools get far more opportunities to be engaged in diverse events and activities than in day school. Thus, they get a comprehensive education to shape their personalities. Plus, they are introduced to unique areas of study and skills that can help them choose attractive career trajectories later in their lives.


Q1. Is boarding school better than day school?

Ans: When checking various aspects of education, boarding schools are better in many areas than day schools. Your child will be under the guidance and supervision of expert staff all through the day. Besides, they learn to manage themselves faster in such an environment, unlike attending day school.

Q2. How is boarding school different from day school?

Ans: As the name suggests, boarding schools require students to stay within the campus and under the governance of the school authority 24/7, unlike a day school where students can disperse to their homes after school hours. The students learn to live an independent life in a residential school and gain a sense of community while living with other students belonging to diverse ethnicities and cultures.  

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