The shift in paradigm of learning and teaching
We are at the cusp of an upheaval in the thought process when it comes to teaching and learning within our classrooms. This change has long been coming and it is finally upon us. The new world of the 21st century will be unlike any that we and our previous generations have experienced. Keeping this in mind we need to prepare our students today and now. The national education policy (NEP) 2020 also voices the same concern. We have to be more careful in what we teach in the classroom and how we bring about this change. A shift in focus from mastery of concepts to mastery of skills and competencies integrated with development of human values. The essence that the policy carries can be succinctly put. The foundations of learning shaping experiences of the learners, rather than emphasis on mastery of concepts through performance, coupled with a holistic approach to incorporate beliefs and values.
Even before this national education policy saw the light of day, the DPSG-SIS society of schools were working behind the scenes to prepare our own curriculum design (CD) 2020. And it is a wonderful surprise when we see the alignment between the two in terms of what the future of learning should be. A classroom that enables all learners to explore all questions related to a concept under the guidance of an experienced practitioner who will lead them along the way but let them explore their own answers. An experience which will prepare them and challenge them as they discover fundamental ideas both within the scholastic and co-scholastic domains.
The CD-2020 document explores in detail how this shift in learning will happen. The change must remodel all the three parts that entail all teaching learning experience. From transaction to assessment and finally to how those assessments are reported. The move away from complete focus on marks for assessing a student‘s performance has even been highlighted by the NEP 2020 as well. We cannot stress the fact that each child is unique. Thus, it is only befitting that their experiences and the path that they chart out for themselves in their learning journey should also be unique. And our new CD-2020 document maps out the entire process of how reflection and inquiry will frame the entire journey of a student. All the while making sure that they are progressing through a continuum. An expected set of skills and competencies as illustrated in the learner profiles which are aligned with global education policies.
This new change we understand will take time to be enacted in letter and in spirit. But we are ready and will be there all along the way. Learning together with our students from all their challenges and celebrating all their victories as they reach every milestone in the learning journey. We are excited to start this new journey of teaching and learning together.
Vision of CBSE
The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every human endeavour. The Board is committed to provide quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural interest among its learners. It works towards evolving a learning process and environment, which empowers the future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society. The Board advocates continuous and comprehensive evaluation with an emphasis on the holistic development of learners. The Board commits itself to providing a stress-free learning environment that will develop competent, confident and enterprising citizens who will promote harmony and peace.
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