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Pay Fees Online

About SelaQui

Understand the online payment process


  1. Click this link : SMART HUB EDUCATION
  2. Please put the student admission No
  3. Enter your OTP received on your Mobile and after that you can view the fee for payment
  4. Select Fees and Proceed For Payment
  5. Accept Terms & Conditions for Payment.
  6. Select Mode of Payment :DEBIT CARD/ CREDIT CARD/ NET BANKING
  7. In case opted for-
    • Debit/Credit Card – You will be directed to pay through Bank Debit/ Credit Card
    • Net Banking – Your will directed to choose from multiple Banks for payment.
  8. After That generate the E receipt and please share it with Accounts Department accountsmanager@selaqui.org, accounts@selaqui.org

Pay Now


  1. Click this link : SMART HUB EDUCATION
  2. First Select the Nature of Fee
  3. Fill up the all mandatory fields
  4. Select Fees and Proceed For Payment
  5. Accept Term & Condition
  6. Select Mode of Payment :DEBIT CARD/ CREDIT CARD/ NET BANKING
  7. In case opted for-
    • Debit/Credit Card – You will be directed to pay through Bank Debit/ Credit Card
    • Net Banking – Your will directed to choose from multiple Banks for payment.
  8. After That generate the E receipt and please share it with Admission Department sisadmission@selaqui.org, admissions@selaqui.org

Pay Now

After payment of fees, transaction reference number will be generated and Kindly mail the receipt/reference with admission name at accountsmanager@selaqui.org