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School Council

Best Residential School India

Aim and mission

The School Council will be one of the apex bodies of the school that will advise the Headmaster on various issues concerning the entire school. It will also aim to allow students to have a say in issues that affect their lives and to develop student leadership.

Scope and Limitations

Its primary function will be to suggest ideas that will make the life of the student community better. The suggestions and recommendations of School Council will be forwarded to Housemasters’ Council. The Housemasters’ Council can modify or reject the recommendations of the School Council. The School Council will also have the power to recommend candidates for School Colours at the end of the academic year. However the Headmaster will have the final say in this matter. The School Council will not discuss any issues dealing with teachers or staff members. It will also not comment about organizational or policy matters. The scope of the School Council is advisory and its advice is not binding on the Housemaster’s Council and the Headmaster.

Composition: The School Council will consist of following members.

  1. Headmaster (Chairman)
  2. CEO Campus
  3. Bursar
  4. Head of Pastoral Care
  5. Academic Coordinator
  6. A representative from Housemasters’ Council
  7. A representative from the Teachers’ Body
  8. School Captain (Secretary)
  9. Head Girl
  10. All House Captains
  11. From each House, one junior representative from class 6 – 9( through voting)
  12. From each House, one senior representative from class 10 -12(not an appointee)
  13. One AHM representative

Meeting and agenda

The School Council will meet at least once a month in the library or any other place decided by Headmaster. Everyone should be dressed formally for the meeting. The School Captain will maintain the agenda and minutes of the meeting in a register.